January - March 2008 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

Psalm 34:8

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”

If I could explain all the wonderful blessings that have taken place over the past couple of months, it would take a prayer letter the length of a football field to explain it all. Since you do not have that kind of time, let me give you some of the highlights so you can “taste and see that the Lord is good”.

Ministry News

Pastor Gil Torres PreachingPastor Torres Preaching

In January we had our annual mission conference. It was one of the best ever. We met our Faith Promise goal for 2007 and the goal for 2008 was wonderfully increased. Gil Torres, Spanish Pastor, Lighthouse Baptist Church in San Diego, CA, was our special speaker and the Lord greatly used him. We commissioned and sent out Manuel Caceres and his family to Argentina to begin a pioneering work among the Deaf. Please pray for them as they labor that God will provide their needs.

In February we began sending a mission team every weekend to Huancayo, a city about seven hours from Lima in the mountains, to begin a new ministry among the Deaf. Missionary Mark Lindsey graciously opened his church to help us begin this ministry. They have been having attendance of over 40 Deaf every Sunday and at least 12 Deaf have been saved so far.

The first week of March was our annual Fires of Evangelism Conference with Dr. Elmer Fernandez, Dr. Ezekiel Salazar, Dr. Luis Ramos and Dr. Kevin Wynne. What a tremendous Conference. We had over 700 in attendance with 50 saved during the week and 20 making decisions for the Lord. That was an incredible week of preaching and soul-winning.

Manuel Caceres and I were invited by Pastor Gary Martin and Heritage Baptist Church in St. Augustine, FL, to preach their Mission Conference. What a tremendous time we had. They treated us like gold and we rejoice in the decisions that were made. While there, we were privileged to accompany Bro. Steve Houghton to Tabernacle Baptist Church in Lake City, FL, to participate in a Sign Language Interpreter training class. The group was excited and animated about reaching the Deaf for Christ and is planning to come to Efata for a mission trip.

After the conference in St. Augustine, we were blessed to attend Pastor’s School at the First Baptist Church in Hammond. The Deaf Dept. graciously covered our registration and lodging expenses. All I can say is WOW! It was such a tremendous blessing. We were greatly challenged by all of the preaching and teaching throughout the whole week.

Before coming home to Peru, Manuel and I attended the Deaf Ministry of Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL. Manuel Preached and I voice interpreted for him. One Deaf man was saved. This man had worked at the World Trade Center the early morning before the tragedy. He told us that there were several Deaf folks who died that day. How this helps us to realize the great need to reach out and win the Deaf for Christ.

Back here at Efata, School started March 10th. We have many new children in the home and school. Please pray as we labor to teach them and then reach them for the Lord.

As with all missionaries around the globe, we are experiencing serious financial difficulties due to the devaluation of the Dollar. We have lost more than one fourth of our total support and it continues to get worse. In addition, here in Peru the prices of basic food and energy have dramatically increased, adding an extra “whammy”. Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom as to how to manage wisely what He provides for us and discernment as to what to do to raise more funds for Efata. It may require that our family come back to the States on furlough to report and raise more funds earlier than we planned.

Efata represents lives; lives that depend on God’s provision through his local churches and individuals. I pray we all will be sensitive to God’s leading in this area. I am aware of the difficulties in many areas of the States right now as well. We are praying for you also. We must never forget that great Bible Truth: But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Family News

Jessica Riley KotvasJessica Riley Kotvas

She’s here!! Jessica Riley Kotvas. She was born Feb. 4th at 11:53pm. We humbly thank the Lord for this precious addition to our family. She is so beautiful and healthy. We’ll let you decide who she looks like the most! Smile. The Kids are thrilled to have their new sister. It is wonderful to watch how they all pitch in and help.

Lisa and I are extremely proud of the children that God has blessed us with. Joseph will soon be going off to college to study. Our children are the best! Please continue to pray for them as they grow and that we will be wise in our care for the “heritage” that God has entrusted to us.

The Kotvas FamilyOur Family

In Christ,

SignatureJoe & Lisa,
Joseph, Julianne, James, Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Jenny, Joel, Jessica

Kotvas Family